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Tree Care

Date: Sep-08-2008

Why rake leaves and cut trees to "keep the property clean" when leaves feed the ground, keep moisture in the ground, trees give us shade to reduce temperature, and provide shelter for wildlife(even when the tree is dead)? Could we not just hug a tree because we care?

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U.S.A. Government

Date: Sep-11-2008

So do you think we can just say it... what we all know is true. This government today is not a servicing agent for the people it exists as a holding company for "Corporate America".

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Dad's Song

Date: Dec-29-2012

So here it is
I am crying
My father is dying
I don't know why
The sky is not dry, taking pain
wash it down stream to collect in the puddles of my sorrow
Stepping over them does not distract me from skipping
But I am tripping
over life's feelings
When feeling crosses the line - Taking Time ---- NO!@

Comments on "Dad's Song"

Date: Dec-29-2012


Date: Sep-07-2010

try flying

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Valley of Fire

Date: Sep-25-2009

The magnitude of the wind, silence.
Rushing valleys in Her chalky red mounts,
arms spread flapping
my dress tight to my thighs.
The moon crests her mounds made black by dusk's heavy fall.

Comments on "Valley of Fire"

Date: Sep-07-2010

try walking thru grass waist high

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The Time that you are in now

Date: Mar-08-2014

Hearing all of the talk of the 2014 snow fall and cold, with friends and strangers hoping that the weather turns soon, I pondered the benefits of this long, cold hard winter;as I walked among the condensing snow and ice. Marveling at the beauty of the crystal formations as the sun bent it's rays to melt this water form that will nurture our plants and trees, fill our rivers,reservoirs, and oceans thus quenching our great thirst. And simply the beauty of those crystals as they disappeared in my warm hand. Being in the moment that I am.

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President or African-American

Date: Nov-18-2008

Now that this campaign is over can we get on with it already. I am sick of hearing about how we elected an African American. I thought we elected a President. And what is an African American anyway? Are they American and specifically from which part South, North, Canada, Mexico etc.. or from Africa and specifically from which part, or are they both? Am I Syrian German American or just a citizen of the USA? Let's focus on what the person can do to better our country working towards improved social programs, improved foreign relations, focus on going green and reducing our carbon footprint, and overall improvant of quality of life in the USA - go for it Obama. Let's see what you can do with or without your so called racial heritage.

Comments on "President or African-American"

Name: April Ann
Date: Jun-07-2020

Peaceful Protest
A voice not heard
A step not taken
A chance
In the battle
A steady step
A calm voice
A change
In the battle
For Equality

Date: Sep-07-2010

You question whether or not we are a subset of The Corporate Being. The corporations that down size/right size... size to fit. What ever they call it, they are cost cutting to fit the stock price that is posted on "Wall Street". And you (WE) still struggle to me our grocery bills while checking our retirement fund statement listing the stocks "up a point, down a half" of those corporations that we've invested in. Invest in a chicken it produces an egg ----"that you can eat".

Date: Oct-14-2008

please explain@

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mowing the lawn

Date: Aug-10-2009

This is for all of you four wheeling lawn mower "ride um cowboy" wanna-be's. Get your “arse” off your gas guzzling, air and noise polluting rolling lawn mower and try riding a horse. It's better for your physic and the environment. As an added benefit I'll point out that horses eat grass!

Comments on "mowing the lawn"

Name: COVID19
Date: Mar-27-2020

COVID19 - what a name a code for overpopulation and pollution of the planet by the human species. It is fighting back we are battling thru it. The pendulum swing has begun. We are not stronger than Mother Earth it is our home it is our space it is our nest. It is also the home, space and nest of other creatures. We must share and share alike. Even those dang snakes that are on my front lawn right now- soaking up the between them and humans are that they are not knowingly invading my space and would happily move over if they thought I wasn't a threat. Humans knowingly invade on other species space whether or not it harms or eliminates them

Name: Kristal Kerr
Date: Dec-07-2018

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Name: April
Date: Aug-28-2017

The time is now to embrace peace!

Date: Sep-07-2010

Well that is, nice isn't it. They have let an electric pole go rancid(you ask how that is so) and I ask how you can not go rancid, you in your fetid life style reading internet and obsorbing the caloric intake of your non-caloric energy drink... Ha Ha ! Yes they are at your door working for yoiu, sucking your air while fixing your conditioning. Tell them to turn it off

Date: Sep-07-2010

try walking

Name: April
Date: Sep-09-2008

Why do Comcast drivers leave their truck running? To charge their equipment batteries they say. Why can't comcast purchase batteries that last all day and can be recharged at night when they end their work day?

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