about me


Here's a little ditty about me and my Art... And, just in case, you see me in an airport, restaurant, bar or just on the street somewhere - please stop me and say "hello in there, hello". Here's a photograph of me so you will recognize me!

Today, living in Doylestown starts the next chapter of my life. I was raised in Newtown move away for many years and recently returned to picturesque Bucks County, Pennsylvania. As I write I am not sure what impact this place will have on my art. My previous 20 years were spent growing up with my two wonderful children in nearby Montgomery County, and provide the context for the paintings I have produced thus far.

My current surroundings offer some of the most magnificent artistic visual opportunities. Bucks County has presented the country and the world many renowned artists. Surprisingly, this location is not yet an inspiration or drive for my work; rather I see it as a tranquil backdrop to producing my art. As a child and throughout my young adult life, there was an itch that was never scratched. In my early thirties, encouraged by a life change, I scratched that surface and found a way to extract emotion and explore myself through my Art.

Through painting I am finding avenues to document my thoughts and opinions, and express the color and mental images that exist in my minds eye. I have achieved one personal goal of visually documenting experiences and relationships that have shaped my life. I have used compilations of photographs, memories of events, and bits of conversations, to produce a portrait painting. I continue to explore bringing-the-inside-out for others to see as a life goal.